Thursday, 10 July 2014

Where I'm Going, When I'm Leaving, What I'm Doing

In less than 6 weeks I will be boarding a plane for Pennsylvania, and a week after that, traveling on to Kathmandu, Nepal.  Kathmandu is a foreign city to me now, but in a few months it will be my home.  I will be there for one year, serving with the Mennonite Central Committee as part of their SALT (Serving and Learning Together) program. My job title is Communications & Storytelling Assistant, and I will be working with MCC and its eight local partner agencies to develop more effective communications strategies.  MCC and its partners are engaged in vital humanitarian work in Nepal, and with improved communications they will be better able to raise awareness of their impact and garner support for their operations. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to serve in Nepal and I can't wait to get started!  I expect this year to be an incredible adventure, a tremendous challenge, and a time of great personal and spiritual growth.  From all I've been able to discover, Nepal seems like a beautiful and fascinating country, and I am so looking forward to living there and being immersed in its unique culture.

I don't expect to post much on this blog over the summer, but wanted to get it started and allow anyone who is interested to find out a little more about what I'll be doing next year.  Once I arrive in Nepal at the end of August, I will start making more regular updates.  For now, all I can say is that I'm very excited, a little nervous, somewhat overwhelmed with preparations, and above all, eager to embark on this journey.

If anyone is interested in supporting me in prayer, please pray that I would be consciously preparing myself mentally and spiritually for this journey, that I would be a real asset to MCC, that I would adjust quickly to life in Nepal, and that I would find friends and community there.

If anyone is interested in supporting me financially, you can find a link to my giving registry here: I am still short of reaching my fundraising goal of $5,500 and I would greatly appreciate any support you are able to offer. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I hope you will continue to follow my progress.

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